Can I visit the warehouse?
We do not allow any unannounced visits. If you are interested in using our third-party shipping services, we will offer you an opportunity to visit during the consultation process. If you are a subscriber to the WMS Warehouse Management System, please contact us to request a visit.
Are there any restrictions on using GoodDeal's third-party shipping services?
Except for the following items that are currently not applicable to our warehouse, there are no restrictions :
1. Food Products:Due to environmental hygiene concerns, we currently do not accept food-related items to prevent pest infestations.
2. Temperature- and Humidity-Sensitive Products:Such as pharmaceuticals and high-end leather accessories.
3. Frozen Goods:We do not currently provide freezer storage options.
4. Primarily Cross-Border Shipping:Our warehouse primarily focuses on domestic shipping, with limited support for cross-border shipping; therefore, we cannot handle products intended mainly for international shipping.
5. Pure Storage or Logistics Only:Our main services are third-party shipping services. We do not currently offer standalone storage rental or purely logistics services such as dispatching vehicles or delivery.
6. B2B:Our services are designed for e-commerce with diverse, small-volume, high-turnover shipping formats. We do not currently support B2B shipping methods such as full-box or pallet-based shipping.
7. Other:Items that do not fit our current standard operating procedures or differ significantly from them and cannot be customized.
Which logistics providers can I use?
Convenience Store Logistics : 7-11, FamilyMart, Hi-Life, Shopee
Home Delivery Logistics : Hsinchu, Black Cat
Cross-Border Logistics : SF Express, Homaji, YuShun
有。 活動型的短期專案合作方式,亦即在活動檔期結束後(如三個月內)將商品全部出貨完畢並退倉;若募資結束後想做長期販售,也可再後續合作。
我們的系統資料傳輸皆為加密傳送,而資料庫則是放在自有主機及亞馬遜異地備援。 除了合約內的保密協定保障客戶外,我們的所有同仁也都有簽訂保密承諾,對內對外都做到善盡保密的義務。