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Terms of Service

By successfully registering as a user (hereinafter referred to as "User") of the GoodDeal Cloud WMS Service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"), you agree to the GoodDeal Cloud WMS Service Terms (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms"). Please read these Terms carefully before registering.

  1. Before a merchant registers as a user of the Service, please carefully read the Terms of Service and the Subscription Commitment, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Agreement. You must agree to and accept all terms before proceeding with registration. Once registration is complete, you will be considered a "User." These terms apply equally to all registered users, regardless of whether they are corporate entities, individual merchants, or paid subscribers.

  2. GoodDeal reserves the right to modify and change these Terms.

  3. The updated version of these Terms, along with the publication date, will be posted on the GoodDeal official website. Users can review the latest version of these Terms on the GoodDeal website.

  4. Unless otherwise announced by GoodDeal at the time of publication, any modifications or changes to these Terms will take effect from the date of publication. We recommend that users frequently visit the GoodDeal official website to review the content of these Terms and be aware of any modifications or changes.

  5. If users continue to use the Service after any modifications or changes to these Terms, it will be considered that they have read, understood, and agreed to the modifications or changes.

  6. GoodDeal's related technologies are only provided to account holders who have paid the applicable fees.

  7. GoodDeal will use the primary email address set by the user for all main communications.

  8. Users are responsible for protecting the security of their accounts and passwords. If a user becomes aware of any account or password leakage or unauthorized use by others, they must immediately notify GoodDeal. If the user fails to ensure the security of their account and password or if any other user-related issue arises, resulting in damage or loss to the user or any third party, the user shall be solely responsible.

  9. When uploading any activities, content, images, links, or other data to GoodDeal, users must not transmit any worms, viruses, or any destructive code.

  10. Users are responsible for all the data within their GoodDeal account, including basic account information, product content, and any related data such as figures, charts, images, and links. Merchants must not use GoodDeal to engage in any illegal or unauthorized commercial activities.

  11. GoodDeal reserves the right to retain or delete user accounts and the data within them. If a user's subscription expires due to non-payment or lack of account login, GoodDeal has the right to delete the account and its data the day after sending an email notification. If a merchant wishes to retain their GoodDeal account and its data, they must pay the relevant fees on time and log in to their account regularly. If notified by judicial authorities, GoodDeal has the right to provide any retained or deleted user data and cooperate with the investigation.

  12. GoodDeal provides the WMS Warehouse Management System for internal warehouse management use only. All external marketing activities and other actions by the user are not related to this service.

  13. During the lawful use of this service, if any business-related information or consumer personal data is stolen, altered, damaged, lost, leaked, or otherwise compromised, the user shall be solely responsible for handling the situation and bearing all related responsibilities, except when the incident is attributable to GoodDeal. This includes, but is not limited to, negotiating resolutions with consumers, responding to official inquiries from regulatory authorities, undergoing administrative inspections, and notifying affected consumers and/or regulatory authorities as required by law. GoodDeal shall provide reasonable and necessary assistance in such cases.

  14. Without prior written consent from GoodDeal, users are not permitted to copy, reproduce, sell, rent, transfer, or in any way allow third parties to use this service, nor assign any or all rights and obligations contained in this service to third parties. If a transfer is made without prior written consent from GoodDeal, GoodDeal reserves the right to terminate the provision of this service immediately.

  15. Users commit not to use this service for any illegal purposes or in any illegal manner and agree to comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and all international treaties or conventions regarding internet usage. If the user is located outside the Republic of China (Taiwan), the user agrees to also comply with the laws and regulations of their respective country or region. The user agrees and guarantees not to use this service to engage in activities that infringe on the rights of others or violate the law.

  16. If merchants have any questions about these Terms or GoodDeal's Privacy Policy, please contact our customer service at  GoodDeal is happy to assist with any inquiries.

  17. When using this service, merchants are responsible for providing and covering the costs of all necessary software, hardware, network connections, browsers, and bandwidth.

Scope and Limitations of Service

  1. The GoodDeal Warehouse Management System grants registered and paid subscription users the right to use this service, without restrictions on user business types or product suitability. Therefore, GoodDeal does not commit to excluding any market for any user or refusing to provide this service to other users. Users unconditionally agree that GoodDeal may offer this service to other users as well.

  2. In the event of a dispute over account ownership, GoodDeal has the right to temporarily suspend access to the disputed account and may require the user to provide relevant proof to confirm ownership. Such proof may include, but is not limited to, documents like the user's business registration and proof of payment.

  3. GoodDeal reserves the right to determine the legal ownership of an account and to transfer the account to another legitimate owner. If the legal owner cannot be determined, GoodDeal has the right to suspend account access until the rights between the parties are clarified.

  4. This service is provided "as is" and is billed according to the plan details announced on the official website or specified in the terms.

  5. GoodDeal does not guarantee that this service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free.

  6. GoodDeal does not guarantee that the results obtained from using this service will be accurate or reliable.

  7. Users agree that GoodDeal has the right to change, suspend, or permanently discontinue all or part of this service due to various factors, including but not limited to system repairs, software or hardware updates, regular maintenance, poor network quality, or force majeure events such as natural disasters. Users agree that GoodDeal will not be liable to users or any third parties for any changes to the service.

  8. Users agree that if GoodDeal is liable for damages due to a breach of these Terms, the compensation amount will be limited to the total system usage fees actually received by GoodDeal for the current period. Except where prohibited by law, GoodDeal will not be responsible for any indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, or exemplary damages, including loss of profits, suffered by the user.

  9. In response to government investigations, GoodDeal is obligated to provide relevant information as required, including but not limited to providing sales overview data to tax authorities.

Third-Party Tools

  1. When using third-party tools, users should ensure they are familiar with them and agree to their terms of use; GoodDeal cannot monitor or control the outcomes generated by third parties. Users must also ensure that the terms of service and privacy policies of third-party tools comply with the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Users agree to immediately notify GoodDeal if any information security concerns arise with third-party tools.

  2. To enhance user convenience, GoodDeal provides links to third-party tools. The provision of these links does not imply that GoodDeal endorses the content of the third-party services or has any affiliation with the third parties.

  3. GoodDeal provides links to external websites solely for user convenience and does not guarantee the appropriateness, timeliness, effectiveness, or accuracy of their content.

  4. When users follow a link provided by GoodDeal to an external website, they should independently decide whether to proceed. GoodDeal is not liable for any damages incurred by the user or consumer as a result of visiting a third-party website.

  5. Before using third-party tools, GoodDeal recommends that users fully understand all details of these tools. GoodDeal is not liable for any damages that users may incur as a result of using third-party tools.

Intellectual Property Rights

  1. GoodDeal does not own the intellectual property rights to any data provided by merchants; any data uploaded by users remains the property of the user. Users can delete their accounts at any time, and GoodDeal will remove all content associated with the account. When users upload images and text descriptions to the GoodDeal WMS Warehouse Management System, unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties, the user agrees that GoodDeal may access, manage, and store the data within the scope defined by these Terms.

  2. All content within the GoodDeal WMS Warehouse Management System, including but not limited to trademarks, copyrights, images, files, documents, information, data, and member information, is owned by GoodDeal or its relevant rights holders under applicable intellectual property laws. No one is permitted to use, modify, reproduce, broadcast, transmit, perform, adapt, distribute, publish, publicly display, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any of this content without authorization.

  3. In any publication or website, if a user needs to cite or reproduce content from the GoodDeal Warehouse Management System, they must obtain prior written consent from GoodDeal or other rights holders in accordance with the law. If this requirement is violated, the user shall be liable for damages to GoodDeal or the relevant rights holders.

  4. If GoodDeal reasonably believes that user or consumer data has been subject to unauthorized access, use, control, disclosure, destruction, alteration, or other infringements, it shall immediately take measures to mitigate or control the damage. GoodDeal will notify the user within 24 hours and provide the necessary information to assist the user in notifying the relevant authorities and/or consumers. If GoodDeal cannot provide all information within the aforementioned timeframe, it should provide the information in batches.

Termination and Cancellation

When GoodDeal terminates or cancels these Terms or the Service, it must delete or destroy any retained user and consumer data (including backup files) in an appropriate manner. No data may be retained in any form.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  1. These Terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

  2. ​Any disputes arising from or related to these Terms should first be resolved through good-faith negotiations between the parties. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation and litigation becomes necessary, both parties agree that the Taipei District Court in Taiwan shall be the court of first instance.

(Last Updated: November 24, 2023)

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